Local Color



About your Local Color


The Local Color story

Local Color is your monthly magazine. It's about your town, your neighbors, your news, your events. There are thousands of stories in this city. You know some of them from your daily doings. Feel free to share them with us and help us tell them to the rest of Brighton. This magazine is for and about you. We hope you become major contributors of news, viewpoints, poetry and fiction and events.

We published the first issue of Local Color in September 2004 to bring Brighton together by sharing news and information about our community and our neighbors with high-quality reporting. We have many more stories yet to tell. We hope you'll join us as readers, subscribers and contributors. Together we can celebrate Brighton.

Building Community

Your editor and publisher

Local Color is locally owned and operated. Editor Mark Humbert has been a journalist for more than five decades (yes, he started working for a city weekly while still in high school, becoming its city editor when a senior). He has worked in daily newspapers for the last 30 years and has served in nearly every possible position on "news side," as reporter, copy editor, city editor, managing editor. Humbert has won numerous statewide awards in Colorado and New Mexico for his work. And, perhaps most important, he agreed when his wife and co-publisher Allison said, "It's time to start the magazine." Contact Humbert at mark@localcolormag.com or 720-937-6064.

Allison has been a working journalist for only more than four decades (not because she's younger than Humbert but because she waited until after college to begin her professional career). She has worked in daily newspapers, magazines and nonprofit communications on "news side" and "advertising side" as reporter, advertising manager, managing editor, marketing manager and public information officer. She has dreamed of starting Local Color magazine for her community for years. With your enthusiasm and support, they are living her dream.
Contact her at allison@localcolormag.com or 303-669-2044.

Mark Allison

Local Color writers

Local Color is fortunate to have several writers on board. Among them are...
journalist / photographer Joel Radtke and history writer Dick Hodge, who joined the team in February 2016.